Nitish Aggarwal

Week 3: Let's Collaborate

Hola peeps, This week was primarily focussed on writing specs for Groups, members and assignments endpoints while adding collaborators for the projects. This Week started with the user’s endpoints being live here.. kinda feels happy to see your work go live :)

Let’s start with collaborators_controller.rb which would handle listing, creating and deleting collaborators. I had an initial thought of creating collaboration_serializer but with some constructive feedback loops set up with my mentor @tachyons, soon realized it being an overkill, hence switched to collaborators instead of collaboration.

class Project < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :collaborators, type: user

collaborator being a user only also didn’t called for a separate collaborator_serializer. Some naming tweaks to the exisiting user_serializer and we were good to go..

# /api/v1/projects/:project_id/collaborators
def index
  @collaborators = paginate(@project.collaborators)
  # only name needs to be serialized for a collaborator
  @options = {
    params: { only_name: true },
    links: link_attrs(@collaborators, api_v1_project_collaborators_url)
  render json:, @options)

# POST /api/v1/projects/:project_id/collaborators
def create
  newly_added.each do |email|
    user = User.find_by(email: email)
    if user.present?
      # create collaboration
      Collaboration.where(project_id:, user_id:

# DELETE /api/v1//projects/:project_id/collaborators/:id
# :id is essentially the user_id for the user to be removed from project
def destroy
  # we would want to delete the associated collaboration not the collaborator obviously
  @collaboration = Collaboration.find_by(user: @collaborator, project: @project)

  render json: {}, status: :no_content

You can head over to #1473 for more details regarding collaborations API if you would want to. This week we had some improvements in the previously added Groups & Assignments API too, also following some improvements in Projects API #1441 got merged :)

Some configurational changes to .codeclimate.yml best suited for specs were also made in view of #1441, also worked upon improving and updating the docs.

That’s all folks :)

Some improvements needs to be done in #1462 and #1473 to be given a green signal. Next up we also have FCM notifications lined, stay tuned for the updates..

See Ya Later