Nitish Aggarwal

Week 4: How about Grading?

This week i have been working on adding assignment grading APIs functionality. Yeah i know, students will now on be evaluated for their submissions.. student screams

Obviously grades_controller.rb would be handling creating, updating and deleting grades. There was some existing controller logic for grading but was not going well with the REST principles.. So, tweaked them a little bit for the good :)

# POST /api/v1/assignments/:assignment_id/projects/:project_id/grade
def create
  @grade =
    assignment_id: params[:assignment_id], project_id: params[:project_id]
  @grade.user_id =
  @grade.grade = grade_params[:grade]
  @grade.remarks = sanitize grade_params[:remarks]

    render json:, status: :created
    api_error(status: 422, errors: @grade.errors)

# PATCH /api/v1/grades/:id
def update
  render json:, status: :accepted

# DELETE /api/v1/grades/:id
def destroy
  render json: {}, status: :no_content

Grading API details can be referenced in #1482. While testing the above mentioned API, tried hitting the CREATE API twice and two grades with same project_id & assignment_id were created, weird right? This took me straight over to rails c to test if this was actually the case and yes we found a vulnerability that was until now handled in frontend only..

So, there were different approaches for the uniqueness check but adding index & model level validation won!! obviously with some feedback from my mentor..

I was excited for this because this was my first time adding some migration.. So, it all begins with rails generate migration AddUniqueGradeValidation which generated a empty migration, added composite :index to grades with unique: true.

class AddUniqueGradeValidation < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    add_index :grades, %i[project_id assignment_id], unique: true

Model level validation was basically uniqueness validation of :project_id scoped with assignment_id. Here’s is a glimpse..

class Grade < ApplicationRecord
  validates :project_id, uniqueness: { scope: :assignment_id }


This is how we roll.. The one of many times i was happy when presented with errors :p.. Some enhancements to projects API were also made in view of the mobile_app, serializing author_name & selective including to name a few.. For more details head over to #1490.

With this we have the basic API developed, for the complete documentation of the API you gotta go to docs.

That’s all folks :)

Some time was also devoted perfecting my previous work #1462 and #1473. We now have a single codeclimate complexity issue only.. smirks

Next up I’ll be working on the mobile_app, the second part of my GSoC project, stay tuned for the amazing stuff and..

I’ll be back