Nitish Aggarwal

The First Evaluations

The first Week focussed on adding enhancements for the mobile_app.. The first one being adding localizations to the app. Just an overview, the localizations logic lives in lib/locale/locales.dart and generated arb and messages in lib/l10n/ AppLocalizations are handled the InheritedWidget way, hence have an of method which returns Localizat... Read more

Week 5: The Mobile App

This Week marked the shubh-aarambh of CircuitVerse mobile app. This Week was primarily focussed on completing the group’s section of the app including contributors, teachers and about views.. The aim was to set up a complete structure for the app.. The basic folder structure and the architecture was discussed in the very first blog of the serie... Read more

Week 4: How about Grading?

This week i have been working on adding assignment grading APIs functionality. Yeah i know, students will now on be evaluated for their submissions.. student screams Obviously grades_controller.rb would be handling creating, updating and deleting grades. There was some existing controller logic for grading but was not going well with the R... Read more

Week 3: Let's Collaborate

Hola peeps, This week was primarily focussed on writing specs for Groups, members and assignments endpoints while adding collaborators for the projects. This Week started with the user’s endpoints being live here.. kinda feels happy to see your work go live :) Let’s start with collaborators_controller.rb which would handle listing, creatin... Read more

Week 2: Deep dive to the Core of CV

Hey Guys, Welcome back to series, there is a lot for this week let’s dive into the stuff then.. So, i started my week with some tweaks to the already completed User and authentication API. But hey, wait life isn’t so easy so are the tweaks.. Here comes codeclimate to give you some chills. But @tachyons told me not to worry about some of those i... Read more